

In the Islandsbanki Reykjavik Marathon you can collect donations for a variety of charities. If you can't find your charity on the list we encourage you to let your charity know that they can start the process of taking part by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. The last chance for charities to request to join is August 1st. To log into the charity page you are an admin for go to corsa!

    The Alzheimers Association of Iceland

    The Alzheimers Association of Iceland

    Do you want to run for the Alzheimer's Association? We encourage individuals and running groups to run to support the organization. If your group wants to learn more about dementia, we offer you education free of charge, contact us at [email protected]. Let's open the discussion about dementia in our local area and be active participants in reducing the social isolation of people with dementia and thus increase their quality of life. Those who run in the Reykjavík Marathon for the Alzheimer's Association run in the way for all our clients.
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    Barnaspítalasjóður Hringsins, Vökudeild, Hringurinn

    Barnaspítalasjóður Hringsins, Vökudeild, Hringurinn

    Hringurinn er kvenfélag, stofnað 1904. Félagið hefur að markmiði að vinna að líknar- og mannúðarmálum, sérstaklega í þágu barna.
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    Icelandic Mental Health Alliance

    Icelandic Mental Health Alliance

    Icelandic Mental Health Alliance (Geðhjálp) is the association of 7500 members, users, family members, professionals and enthusiasts for improving the lives of people with mental disorders and mental disabilities in our society. The association works towards improving services, defending rights and preventing prejudice by advocacy, consultation and distribution of information and knowledge. The values of Geðhjálp are courage, respect for personal dignity and solidarity.
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    Forget-me-not Charity

    Forget-me-not Charity

    Forget me not is a charity that supports parents after baby and pregnancy loss.
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     charity “Léttum þeim lífið”. The charity Lighten Them the Life

    charity “Léttum þeim lífið”. The charity Lighten Them the Life

    The charity “Léttum þeim lífið” was founded in the summer of 2023 with the purpose of making it easier for disabled and elderly people to invest in devices that can make their lives easier and increase their mobility.
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    The Icelandic Association of Heart Patients

    The Icelandic Association of Heart Patients

    The Icelandic Association of Heart Patients, Hjartaheill, was founded in 1983 by 230 members. Now in the year 2021 the members total 4040. There are 11 departments within the National Association. At present, our main tasks are in the field of rehabilitation and the prevention of heart diseases. We have frequently supported financially the purchase of medical equipment as well as training equipment for patients. The main fund raising is by the membership fees and badges every year. The Association runs a well equipped rehabilitation canter in Reykjavík in cooperation with other organizations, where about 450 patients are given opportunities for daily rehabilitation and permanent physical training programs. The Icelandic Heart Association in cooperation with SIBS Iceland Patient Association has for many years offered free health checks to the public as part of its nationwide health prevention activities. The project began in 2000 and today 273 places in the country have been visited and 24,000 individuals have been measured. The Association has published booklets and taken part in the production of a pictures (videos) of heart disease, heart surgery, coronary artery bypass grafting and rehabilitation on heart surgery, the main theme is to increase the well-being and safety of the patient. Our magazine, VELFERÐ, is issued 2 times a year. The Association is a member of SÍBS, The Icelandic Association of Tuberculosis and Chest Patients and ÖBÍ, The Organization of Disabled in Iceland. Our headquarters are at: Borgartúni 28a, 105 Reykjavík Tel: +354 552 5744 E-mail: [email protected] Home page www.hjartaheill.is
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    Mindpower (IS Hugarafl) is an organization of people who have experienced mental health challenges. At the core of Hugarafl’s work stands the ideology of empowerment, that is put into practice through every activity and interaction, either formal or informal. Peer support and eCPR are some of the main tools we use for empowerment. In Mindpower the users and the professionals work on an equal basis, following a recovery model. Mindpower is an activity center where users can enjoy several forms of service and facilities, including personal interviews, group meetings, exercise and artwork. Members of Mindpower work on recovery by sharing their experiences of living with mental illness. Besides the activities in its center, Hugarafl works to be visible in the community, to erase the stigma against people with mental illness and to influence the mental health services. This is done through a series of public actions, campaign and events, visibility in the press and social media and educational programmes for high school students and companies.
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    Landvernd Icelandic Environment Association

    Landvernd Icelandic Environment Association

    Landvernd's role is to safeguard Icelandic nature. You can give back to nature by supporting Landvernd. You can make a difference.
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    Líknar – og hjálparsjóður lögreglumanna

    Líknar – og hjálparsjóður lögreglumanna

    Relief fund dedicated to aid police staff in need of assistance when it comes to health related issues
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    The icelandic ME association

    The icelandic ME association

    ME félag Íslands is a charity for people with the ME disease and people with Long Covid, their families and others who want improvements for ME and Long Covid patients.
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    The Bryndís Klara Memorial Fund

    The Bryndís Klara Memorial Fund

    The Bryndís Klara Memorial Fund was established to honor and preserve the memory of Bryndís Klara Birgisdóttir, who passed away following a knife attack during Culture Night in Reykjavík in August 2024.
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    Gunnar Karl's Memorial Fund

    Gunnar Karl's Memorial Fund

    Gunnar Karl's memorial fund is established in memory of Gunnar Karl Haraldsson, who died on February 28, 2021 after a battle with cancer. At a young age he was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis (NF1), a disease that had great impact on his quality of life. The objective of the fund is to support his passion for equal rights of disabled people. The fund provides to persons with disabilities financial assistance for studies, leisure, and sports activities and to projects that support the participation of disabled people equally with others in the society.
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    Memorial fund for Sindri Freyr Guðmundsson's family

    Memorial fund for Sindri Freyr Guðmundsson's family

    Memorial fund for Sindri Freyr Guðmundsson's family
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    MND Iceland

    MND Iceland

    MND Iceland was founded 20. February 1993. We have an office in Sigtun 42, 105 Reykjavik Iceland. Our phone is +354 823 7270 and we answer or call you back as soon as possible. We are members of the International alliance of ALS/MND associations as well as the European alliance. If you need trusting info on the disease, in English, we recommend the following pages: https://www.alsmndalliance.org/ https://www.mndassociation.org/
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    The Root

    The Root

    The Root was established in the spring of 2013 by a group of women in Iceland eager to seek knowledge and instigate a change in the field of services for women with substance use problems in Iceland as well as being a forum for critical discussions on women, substance use, trauma and violence. Rótin operates a homeless shelter for women, Konukot, with a contract to the city of Reykjavík.
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    Samhjalp nonprofit

    Samhjalp nonprofit

    Samhjáp has worked in charity work for five decades for those living in poverty and social isolation, often a result of long-term struggles with addiction. Samhjálp runs the rehab facility home Hlaðgerðarkot where there is room for 30 individuals in the treatment of addiction diseases, Samhjálp's soup kitchen "Kaffistofan" which give around 100,000 meals a year, as well as intermediate and support homes in Reykjavík and Kópavogur. The soup kitchen "Kaffistofan" is open every day of the year and serves up to 250 meals daily. The company's website is www.samhjalp.is - you can also find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/samhjalp.is og Instagram https://www.instagram.com/samhjalp/?hl=en
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    Samtokin '78 - National Queer Organization

    Samtokin '78 - National Queer Organization

    Samtökin ‘78 - the National Queer Organisation is Iceland’s oldest LGBTI+ organisation, founded in 1978. We strive to support our community in every way we can. We provide education on LGBTI+ issues in schools and workplaces, we provide queer people, friends and family with free access to counsellors, we fight for better legal rights, we create social spaces for queer people, host events celebrating queer people and so much more. The one thing limiting us is not lack of imagination but lack of funds. That’s why we ask you to pledge support to Samtökin ‘78 to help us better achieve our goal of making queer people in Iceland equal citizens in every sense of the word. Join us! We have rainbow cookies.
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    Sigurboginn, styrktarfélag Sigurbjörns Boga

    Sigurboginn, styrktarfélag Sigurbjörns Boga

    Sigurbjörn Bogi is twelve years old boy. He was born with hydrocephalus. Sigurbjörn Bogi has muliple handicap. He is blind and has CP. He also has epilepsy. Sigurbjörn Bogi can not communicate verbally. Sigurbjörn Bogi use weelchair and needs lot of special equipment. Sigurbjörn Bogi is a lovely and charming boy, happy and enjoy playing with his friends in his school and loves to be outdoors. Sigurbjörn Bogi's family and friends founded this sponsorship association in support of him and his family. The purpose is to help the family with Sigurbjörn Bogi's special needs and to buy special equipment that is not funded by the government. He acquired e.g. wheelchair bicycle which was f. ex. purchased for donations through hlaupastyrk.is. The bike completely changed his possibilities for outdoor activities.
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    Grief Center

    Grief Center

    Sorgarmiðstöð is a non-profit association that works in the public interest and offers support, education and advice to bereaved people and those who work for their well-being. We offer people to come together in a warm environment. We offer support groups, peer-to-peer support and other services to those who grieve. You can find more information on our website www.sorgarmidstod.is. Supporting people through grief directly influences public health by promoting and supporting people's mental, physical and social health after losing a loved one.
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    Sterkari út í lífið

    Sterkari út í lífið

    Empower a child's self image today! On the website and the app Sterkari út í lífið you'll find educational material and tools, developed by professionals, to help parents, teachers and others who work with children to build a stronger self image within children and adolescents. Your donation to Sterkari út í lífið helps us build a brighter future for our young minds. Make a difference - donate today! Little things make big things happen.
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