

In the Islandsbanki Reykjavik Marathon you can collect donations for a variety of charities. If you can't find your charity on the list we encourage you to let your charity know that they can start the process of taking part by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. The last chance for charities to request to join is August 1st. To log into the charity page you are an admin for go to corsa!

    ABC Children’s Aid

    ABC Children’s Aid

    ABC Children's Aid is an Icelandic NGO, founded in 1988. ABC supports thousands of children in 6 countries, and are operating 21 schools for poor children from the age of 3, with free education, school supplies, uniforms, medical care, food and boarding. We are grateful for our many sponsors over 35 years and appreciate the trust we have been shown. Thank you so much to everyone who wants to support the work through the Reykjavik Marathon.
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    ADHD Association

    ADHD Association

    For over 35 years, the ADHD organization has been dedicated to ensuring that individuals with ADHD and related disorders, along with their families, receive the understanding, support, and services needed to promote social integration, enhance educational and work opportunities, and improve overall quality of life. Our services are available to all Icelanders, with over four thousand active members. Membership extends to entire families, as ADHD often affects multiple members within a household. It is estimated that up to 25,000 people in Iceland have ADHD, including 10,000 children and 15,000 adults. Many of these individuals have not received a proper diagnosis or access to resources that could significantly enhance their lives and reduce various social costs, such as school dropouts, substance abuse, bullying, disability, and health issues. The ADHD Association offers a wide range of free services, including advice, educational materials, and information for our members, the general public, public institutions, and professionals. We also organize impactful courses, educational meetings, and publish informative content. With your support, we aim to further strengthen our efforts and expand our reach to benefit everyone affected by ADHD. Visit our website at www.adhd.is for more information.
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    The SLF´s Rehabilitation Center - Æfingastöðin -provides physical and occupational therapy to children and youth. Specialized physical- and occupational therapists with extensive experience and knowledge offer individual and group-based services. Through collaboration, education and therapy we aim to maximize each child's potential and participation to enriching the quality of life for both the child and their families.
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    Go On Great Woman Fund

    Go On Great Woman Fund

    Go On Great Woman Fund is for our dear friend, sister, daughter, mother and cousin, Hjördís Árnadóttir. This fund is intended to support her to buy necessary mobility aids and equipment so she can participate fully in life and society.
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    Afstaða til ábyrgðar

    Afstaða til ábyrgðar

    AFSTAÐA Icelandic advocacy group for better prison policies and rehabilitation.
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    AHC association of Iceland

    AHC association of Iceland

    AHC association of Iceland was formed in 2009 to support basic research on Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood (AHC).
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    The Alzheimers Association of Iceland

    The Alzheimers Association of Iceland

    Remember the way.... Do you want to run for the Alzheimer's Association? We encourage individuals and running groups to run to support the organization. If your group wants to learn more about dementia, we offer you education free of charge, contact us at [email protected]. Let's open the discussion about dementia in our local area and be active participants in reducing the social isolation of people with dementia and thus increase their quality of life. Those who run in the Reykjavík Marathon for the Alzheimer's Association run in the way for all our clients.
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    Andartak, Icelandic Cystic Fibrosis community

    Andartak, Icelandic Cystic Fibrosis community

    Andartak, Icelandic Cystic Fibrosis community
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    Asthma and allergy association

    Asthma and allergy association

    Astma- og ofnæmisfélag Íslands (AO) was founded in 1974 to be a voice for those who suffer from asthma and allergy. AO also emphasizes on air quality, indoors and outdoors. The office hours are from 9AM to 3 PM on Mondays. AO is a spokes person for its members when it comes to issues relating to authorities and others. AO provides education and personal assistance to its members and to other groups such as employees in cantines of schools and kinder garden. AO is open for everyone and the year fee is 3000 kr, half for minors. Website www.ao.is
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    Asta‘s fund

    Asta‘s fund

    Ástusjóður (Asta’s Fund) was established in memory of lawyer Ásta Stefánsdóttir. The fund, established by Ásta‘s friends, aims to support search and rescue teams in Iceland and further Ásta´s interests. Ásta‘s interests in law were environmental law, criminal law, justice and human rights. She also had great interest in equal rights and culture.
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    Átröskunarteymi Landspítalans

    Átröskunarteymi Landspítalans

    The eating disorder unit at Landspitali is an interdisciplinary team that diagnoses and treats eating disorders people that have reached the age of 18 years and older.
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    Fund for the ophthalmology department at Landspítali

    Fund for the ophthalmology department at Landspítali

    Fund to strengthen the ophthalmology department at Landspítali
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    Barnaspítalasjóður Hringsins, Vökudeild, Hringurinn

    Barnaspítalasjóður Hringsins, Vökudeild, Hringurinn

    Hringurinn er kvenfélag, stofnað 1904. Félagið hefur að markmiði að vinna að líknar- og mannúðarmálum, sérstaklega í þágu barna.
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    Bati Góðgerðarfélag

    Bati Góðgerðarfélag

    Recovery house supports people back into society after serving prison terms
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    Bergid headspace

    Bergid headspace

    Bergid headspace is a low threshold counselling service for young people aged 12-25. Bergid headspace service is free of charge and young people can seek service, without limitations.
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    Birta - association

    Birta - association

    Birta Association is an association of parents who have lost a child suddenly. We do not define the age of children because our children are always our children. The association holds open houses once a month during the winter. The association organizes lectures, a day of decoration in December,as well as providing parents with grants for e.g. rest cost, psychological and legal cost and funeral cost.
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    Bjarkarhlíð - family justice center

    Bjarkarhlíð - family justice center

    Bjarkarhlíð is a service center for adult victims of violence of all genders. There, individuals have the option of interviews and advice from counsellors, the police and lawyers free of charge and on their own terms. Bjarkarhlíð is a joint project of the City of Reykjavík, the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Labor Market, the Ministry of Justice, the Metropolitan Police, the Association for Women's Refuge, Stígamót, the Human Rights Office of Iceland and the Women's Adviser. Bjarkarhlíð officially began operations on February 1, 2017
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    Bjarmahlíð is a centre for victims of violence and offers advice and information for individuals from the age of 16 who have been subjected to violence. At Bjarmahlíð, we work with victims of violence on their terms. All services and counselling are under the same roof, with the aim of making it easier for victims to seek help. Bjarmahlíð emphasizes interdisciplinary collaboration between different institutions and organizations involved in local work. The victims are met in a warm and safe environment, on their terms
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    Björgunarsveit Hafnarfjarðar

    Björgunarsveit Hafnarfjarðar

    The "Hafnarfjörður Search and Rescue Team" operates within ICE-SAR and is one of the founding units of the Search and Rescue association. The Hafnarfjordur SAR call sign is SPORI. The team operates in most areas of rescue work and thus prepares itself to be able to respond to any kind of emergency, whether on land or at sea. The activities can be divided into three main categories: land, sea and equipment. Each works in their own field and manages their own agenda. The members of the SAR-team go to great lengths to keep themselves, as well as equipment in the best possible condition so that they can react quickly when the need arises.
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    Rescue team Kyndill

    Rescue team Kyndill

    Search and rescue in Skaftárhreppur.
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    Björgunarsveitirnar Dagrenning og Bróðurhönd

    Björgunarsveitirnar Dagrenning og Bróðurhönd

    ICE - SAR Dagrenning and Bróðurhönd located in southern Iceland. Group of volunteers always availble to rescue when needed
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    Björt sýn - styrktarfélag

    Björt sýn - styrktarfélag

    Björt sýn is a support organization for the TAKK orphanage in Homa bay county in Kenya.
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    Icelandic Association of the Visually Impaired (BIAVI)

    Icelandic Association of the Visually Impaired (BIAVI)

    Blindrafelagid, Icelandic Association of the Visually Impaired (BIAVI) is a social force - a human right orientated organization – that fights for independent, meaningful and responsible living conditions for visually impaired people and that they are secured equal rights and opportunities to responsible, active and recognized participation in all sectors of our community.
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    Bloodbank Landspítali

    Bloodbank Landspítali

    Fund to promote the Bloodbank.
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    Blóð-og krabbameinslækningadeild 11EG

    Blóð-og krabbameinslækningadeild 11EG

    Fund for hemotology and oncology department 11 EG at Landspítali
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    Brakkasamtökin - BRCA Iceland

    Brakkasamtökin - BRCA Iceland

    About the Icelandic BRCA organization: The objective of the Icelandic BRCA organization is to enhance education and research on BRCA and provide BRCA carrier and their relatives the necessary knowledge and support. The organization safeguards BRCA carriers’ interests by fighting for increased and better service for them, as well as for a larger cost participation by the government. Finally, the organization aims to facilitate cooperation with foreign counterparts.
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    Wide smiles Iceland

    Wide smiles Iceland

    Breið bros, the association of relatives of children with cleft lip and palate, was founded in November 1995. Members are parents of children born with cleft lip and/or palate or other facial defects, professionals and various people who are interested in contributing to the cause. The purpose of Breið Bros is to work on the various issues of children who are born with a cleft lip and/or palate or other facial defects. This includes, among other things, supporting the parents of children with disabilities through a strong network, working on educational issues and working on the interests and rights of the children.
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    Bumbuloní góðgerðafélag

    Bumbuloní góðgerðafélag

    Bumbuloní is a charity that supports seriously ill children and their families financially.
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    Cardio-Facio-Cutaneous (CFC) syndrome in Iceland

    Cardio-Facio-Cutaneous (CFC) syndrome in Iceland

    CFC syndrome is a rare genetic condition, it´s actually so rare that there have only around 800 people in the world been diagnosed...in history. Three people in Iceland that have been diagnosed with CFC. Breki 20 years was the first one diagnosed with the CFC syndrome in Iceland. By supporting this charity, it will enable the beneficiaries to fund research into this condition allowing us to better understand it and hopefully provide the means to develop medicine to cure those individuals that are affected by it.
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    CCU organization

    CCU organization

    CCU samtökin was founded in October 1995 and is a non profit organization of individuals with Crohn’s desease and Ulcerative Colitis. Among the organization´s goals is to support newly diagnosed and raise awareness. More information regarding the organization can be found on the CCU website; www.ccu.is.
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    Child Health Community Centre

    Child Health Community Centre

    Purpose of CHCC The purpose and goal of the association is to improve the lives of orphans, children who have been abandoned, children who have physically and / or mentally disabled parents and children who come from very poor homes in Northern Uganda, Kitgum. CHCC in Kitgar was established in 2017 and in Iceland in 2021. The CHCC organization in Iceland provides children on a register with the CHCC in Northern Uganda, supportive parents from Iceland, who support the child with a monthly contribution used to provide the child food and check for malaria.
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    CLF Iceland

    CLF Iceland

    CLF Iceland supports vulnerable girls in Uganda through education, skills training and entrepreneurship. The organisation supports a secondary and vocational school in Uganda where the girls are empowered to live up to their full potential. CLF has supported over 2000 girls through education.
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    Thordis‘ CMT4A Research Trust Fund

    Thordis‘ CMT4A Research Trust Fund

    The purpose of Thordis‘ CMT4A Research Trust Fund to support research and the development of a cure for CMT4A and to support Thordis, who has been diagnosed with CMT4A. Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) is a group of inherited disorders of the peripheral nervous system. Thordis is a 15 year old girl who has been diagnosed with a rare and severe subtype called CMT4A which is caused by a mutation in the GDAP1 gene and leads to progressive nerve damage and loss of muscle tissue. It can also cause vocal cord and diaphragm paresis. Many patients are wheelchair dependent by the end of the first decade of life.
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    The CP Association in Iceland

    The CP Association in Iceland

    The CP Association in Iceland fights for the interests of people with reduced mobility who have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP). This includes informing members, strengthening collaboration between professionals and relatives and supporting projects that contribute to improving the situation of individuals with CP.
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    Dagur - Mobility and equipment fund for Dagur Kári

    Dagur - Mobility and equipment fund for Dagur Kári

    Dagur Kári Kristinsson is a happy 17 year old. He has an extremely rare defect in gene CPSF3, which manifests itself in, for example hypotonia, learning disability and epilepsy. Thereby, Dagur Kári needs substantial support, whether they be for his daily activities or for recreation. The main goal is to raise funds to aid his day to day activities as well as simply for his enjoyment.
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    Diabetes Iceland - association for people with diabetes

    Diabetes Iceland - association for people with diabetes

    The associations main activities pertain to education and information. Educating the public about diabetes and how to minimize the risk of getting the disease, primary prevention. Educating people with diabetes about how best to live with diabetes and minimize the risk of complications, secondary prevention. We publish printed educational material and we publish online. In addition we also provide social and educational events for our members.
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    DM félag Íslands

    DM félag Íslands

    DM félag Íslands stands for Myotonic dystrophy association of Iceland for people that have DM and their families. DM is a inherited diseases and the most common Musclar dystrophy diseases in adults. No cure is for Myotonic dystrophy yet only treatment to reduce symptoms. Main purpose of DM félag Íslands is to support people that have DM and their families, make informations more accessible both for people that have DM and their families and professionals and others in the society.
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    Down's Syndrome Association

    Down's Syndrome Association

    The purpose of the Down syndrome Association is to promote the welfare and rights of individuals with Down syndrome and to provide information and education for it’s members and to the public. The goal of the association is to foster connections and empathy among members and serve as a venue where families can come together, share their experiences, and have fun! The association organizes various events, both independently and in collaboration with others. These include educational meetings, conferences, and entertainment events. The association's website is www.downs.is All work done by the members on behalf of the association is voluntary.
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    Dropinn, the Icelandic charity for children with diabetes

    Dropinn, the Icelandic charity for children with diabetes

    Dropinn organizes gatherings where families of children with diabetes meet, share their experiences and thus seek support from each other.
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    Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in Iceland

    Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in Iceland

    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a genetic disorder characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness due to the alterations of a protein called dystrophin that helps keep muscle cells intact. DMD is one of four conditions known as dystrophinopathies.
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    ISPCA (Iceland Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals)

    ISPCA (Iceland Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals)

    The objective of the Icelandic Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Icelandic SPCA) is to provide shelter for pets in need and for that purpose establish an animal shelter as well as work to increase public knowledge and support concerning animal welfare. The animal shelter will house all pets in need and find them new forever homes. Until the animal shelter becomes a reality, the organization will find homes for animals at risk of being euthanized, either by providing them with a foster home or a permanent home.
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    The Icelandic Autistic Society

    The Icelandic Autistic Society

    The Icelandic Autistic Society was founded in 1977. In our organization are people on the autism spectrum, parents, professionals and others who are interested in better services for autism. There are now 1030 members. We have leisure groups for teenagers and support groups for adults in both the Greater Reykjavík area and in Akureyri. There are also active support groups for parents. The association has placed great emphasis on advocacy, and educating the society about autism. The main issues are shorter waiting lists for diagnosis, increased employment opportunities and more housing solutions. The Icelandic Autistic Society has an office in Reykjavík.
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    Einstök börn Stuðningsfélag

    Einstök börn Stuðningsfélag

    Einstök börn (Unique children) is a support group in Iceland for children with rare diseases. The group was established in March 1997 by the parents of 13 children who had no other support group to go to. Today there are almost 800 families in the group. The Icelandic population is small so most of the children suffering from rare diseases are isolated, with mostly one or two children suffering from each disease. Since most of the children in Einstök börn spend long periods of time in hospitals, one of the group's main concerns is to establish a good prosperous relationship between parents and healthcare professionals to make them aware of our unique needs within the healthcare system. Our future goals are to keep strengthening the group from within and making rare disorders more known in our society than it is today. To make sure that people have access to understandable information about their diseases. We also want to make sure that in Iceland there will be a place that collects information on rare diseases and gives us a chance to participate in gathering and sharing information within Europe and the world. https://www.einstokborn.is/is/english
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    One life - Einar Darri’s Memorial Fund

    One life - Einar Darri’s Memorial Fund

    One life - Einar Darri’s Memorial Fund is a non-profit organization. The fund stands for various educational, prevention and awareness-raising projects that work to improve well-being, with a focus on youth. All work is done with love, empathy, empowerment and cooperation. One life - Einar Darri’s Memorial Fund goals: - Prevent and reduce the misuse of prescription drugs and the use of other drugs - strengthen protective factors in people's lives, with a focus on youth - Promote unity and positive progress in matters regarding the subject
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    Physical excercise for children and young people who struggle with anxiety and depression

    Physical excercise for children and young people who struggle with anxiety and depression

    We have been working since 2016 and are a group of eight people who are mainly passionate about two things. Health and promoting the mental well-being of young people. Everyone deserves to experience the positive effects that exercise can have on mental well-being. For children and young people, it is extremely important so that they can take positive experiences with them into adulthood. Our courses are about finding joy again, often because the individual has not found himself in a traditional sports activity. In order to be able to exercise regularly, it is essential that it is fun. Our goal is to create joy through movement in an environment where we try to minimize all external factors that can cause anxiety or create a negative experience. We adapt the exercise for each person, because if the interest in moving is there, everyone deserves to experience the joy that can come with it. Our goal is to be that platform.
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    Empower Nepali Girls - Íslandsdeild

    Empower Nepali Girls - Íslandsdeild

    Our mission is to empower and support neglected, marginalized, and at-risk girls and young women in Nepal, and provide scholarships, mentoring, career guidance, and subsistence for children who would not have the opportunity to attend school.
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    Endo Iceland

    Endo Iceland

    Approximately 10% of people born with a uterus have endometriosis, which equates to around 176 million worldwide. Endometriosis is not just a painful condition; it can be accompanied by significant suffering and various challenging complications, including digestive issues and infertility. The average time for diagnosis is 7-8 years. Support and education are the main focus of the Endometriosis Association, which diligently works to raise awareness among the general public and healthcare professionals about the disease. Many individuals with endometriosis experience skepticism from others and continue to fight for recognition of their well-being and symptoms.
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    FC Sækó - Insane football

    FC Sækó - Insane football

    FC Sækó or insane football is a group of people who are or have been users or employees of the mental health system. FC Sækó plays football 3x per week and one of their main goal is going abroad and to get to know the same resources and compete in football. FC Sækó is saving for a trip to the Dream Euro Cup 2024, which will be held in Rome in September 2024
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    Félagasamtökin Iceland-Nepal

    Félagasamtökin Iceland-Nepal

    Since 2013, Iceland-Nepal has been funding the operation of a children's home in Kathmandu, Nepal. Support families and individuals contribute funds monthly and have active oversight of the operation through a Facebook group. No operating costs are paid in Iceland. Currently, funds are being raised for bicycles because bicycles represent freedom and a mode of transportation.
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    Félag fósturforeldra - Iceland Foster Parents

    Félag fósturforeldra - Iceland Foster Parents

    The Foster Parents Association plays a crucial role in supporting foster families. It works to improve the lives of foster families by providing education to its members, fostering collaboration, and promoting networking and peer education. The association also advocates for foster parents, children in foster care, and foster families, working towards better conditions for the group. Additionally, the association strives to build a positive image of foster care and educates the public about the realities of foster families.
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    The Iceland-Palestine Association

    The Iceland-Palestine Association

    Let's join together in the fight for a ceasefire in Gaza and freedom for Palestine! The Iceland - Palestine Association supports the struggle of the Palestinian people against occupation and for the right to self-determination and the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland.
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    Félag Úkraínumanna á Íslandi

    Félag Úkraínumanna á Íslandi

    The purpose of the Association is: - to unite Ukrainian enthusiasts - to promote Ukrainian culture - to develop and strengthen political, economic and cultural connections between Ukraine and Iceland
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    Gugga´s Travel fund

    Gugga´s Travel fund

    The Gugga Travel Fund collects funds to support Guðrún Jóna Jónsdóttir for travel, related expenses, or other projects in support of Guðrún Jóna Jónsdóttir. Guðrún Jóna is severely disabled and wheelchair-bound after a physical assault in 1993 and requires significant assistance in daily life, making travel quite expensive and complicated to arrange.
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    Equal Parenting Iceland

    Equal Parenting Iceland

    The association focuses is on children's rights to know and interact with both their parents in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
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    Families of SMA in Iceland

    Families of SMA in Iceland

    FSMA in Iceland is an association of individuals with SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) and their families. The role of the association is to advocate for families and support better diagnosis and treatment for SMA. FSMA in Iceland aims to help people with SMA receive the best possible medical care and access treatments to fight disease and improve quality of life. Part of this mission is communicating information to members and promoting awareness and understanding of SMA to the wider public.
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    BirdLife Iceland

    BirdLife Iceland

    Fuglavernd – BirdLife Iceland aim is to work for the protection and conservation of Iceland’s birds and their habitats and to promote enjoyment, understanding and study of birds and their habitats. Fuglavernd was founded in 1963, it is an NGO, and a membership based organization.
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    Sindri's Special Aid Fund

    Sindri's Special Aid Fund

    Sindri’s Special Aid Fund was founded for Sindri Palsson, a 15 year old boy born with Warburg MIcro Syndrome. The syndrome causes several eye complications from birth, autism and weak muscle tone. Despite these challenges, Sindri has led a good meaningful life, he went to Klettaskoli and traveled everywhere in his wheelchair. At the end of September 2023, Sindri suffered a spinal injury and became paralysed from the shoulders down, due to an operation he underwent at Landspitalinn. Complications following his spinal injury put him in critical condition at the Intensive Care Unit for 2 months. A long and strenuous rehabilitation program now awaits Sindri, as it is clear that the paralysis is irreversible. The goal is to raise funds for necessary special aid equipment that are not covered by the Icelandic Health Insurance, as well as provide additional support which will improve Sindri’s quality of life and overall happiness.
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    Icelandic Mental Health Alliance

    Icelandic Mental Health Alliance

    Icelandic Mental Health Alliance (Geðhjálp) is the association of 7000 members, users, family members, professionals and enthusiasts for improving the lives of people with mental disorders and mental disabilities in our society. The association works towards improving services, defending rights and preventing prejudice by advocacy, consultation and distribution of information and knowledge. The values of Geðhjálp are courage, respect for personal dignity and solidarity.
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    Fund for the neurology department at LSH

    Fund for the neurology department at LSH

    Fund to strengthen the neurology department at LSH.
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    Fund for gynecology department at Landspitali

    Fund for gynecology department at Landspitali

    Fund to strengthen the gynecology department at Landspitali
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    Gleðistjarnan (Joy-Star) is charity in memory of Thuridur Oskarsdottir who died on march 20th 2023 after 18 years fighting brain tumor. Gleðistjarnan is aimed to help siblings of children with long-term ilnesses to have some joy and happiness in their lives.
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    Forget-me-not Charity

    Forget-me-not Charity

    Forget me not is a charity that supports parents after baby and pregnancy loss.
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     charity “Léttum þeim lífið”. The charity Lighten Them the Life

    charity “Léttum þeim lífið”. The charity Lighten Them the Life

    The charity “Léttum þeim lífið” was founded in the summer of 2023 with the purpose of making it easier for disabled and elderly people to invest in devices that can make their lives easier and increase their mobility.
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    Goodwill charity

    Goodwill charity

    Góðvild charity was founded in 2016. Our aim is to support children with long term illness and children with disabilities. We do this with the Helpline, with the talkshow Spjallið með Góðvild and by supporting the Children hospital, rest bites and directly supporting the families through Bumbuloní. Góðvild also supports research towards rare diseases through the AHC Association of Iceland.
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    Walk Together

    Walk Together

    The goal of the Walk Together for breast cancer is to support basic breast cancer research. We emphasize the importance of exercise both for our health and to raise money for our research fund.
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    Grófin Geðrækt

    Grófin Geðrækt

    Grófin Geðrækt is a non-governmental, user-driven organization in Akureyri for individuals 18+ years old dealing with mental health-related challenges. We work on a peer-to-peer basis as well as using the ideology of Empowerment and Recovery. We strive to give people with mental health challenges opportunities to empower themselves on their own terms and having an active role as well as educating people on mental health through outreach and other means. Grófin is open from 10-16 mon-fridays, is free of cost, for those who attend and no referral is needed.
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    Haven Rescue Home

    Haven Rescue Home

    Haven Rescue Home (HRH) is a home for teenage mothers, that are 18 years and younger. The goal of HRH is to give these young mothers an chance to get education.
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    HD-Association of Iceland

    HD-Association of Iceland

    The HD Association in Iceland is a support organization for patients and families fighting the Huntington's disease, founded on 2 2, 2022. The association aims to improve the quality of life and well-being of those suffering from Huntington´s disease or gene positive, by supporting them and their relatives and promoting a more powerful social interaction and information dissemination. The association is also working to secure more funding for patients, families, and research. The Huntington´s disease is considered to be one of the cruelest disease known to man, and there is no cure. The disease spreads from generation to generation and profoundly affects the lives of families. With advances in genetics and medical research, patients can expect a better future than previous generations. The organization encourages individuals affected by Huntington's disease, relatives, and other interested parties to join the association and benefit from what we offer. See https://www.huntington.is. We have a Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Huntingtonisland/ where runners who run for us in Reykjavikmarathon can announce themselves. We hope to see all our runners in there. Advancing Hope in the Fight Against Huntingtons Disease!
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    Icelandic Association of the Hard of Hearing

    Icelandic Association of the Hard of Hearing

    Heyrnarhjalp is the Icelandic national association of people who have hearing impairment, have lost their hearing partially or completely, who suffer from tinnitus and other problems related to hearing.
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    The Icelandic Association of Heart Patients

    The Icelandic Association of Heart Patients

    The Icelandic Association of Heart Patients, Hjartaheill, was founded in 1983 by 230 members. Now in the year 2021 the members total 4040. There are 11 departments within the National Association. At present, our main tasks are in the field of rehabilitation and the prevention of heart diseases. We have frequently supported financially the purchase of medical equipment as well as training equipment for patients. The main fund raising is by the membership fees and badges every year. The Association runs a well equipped rehabilitation canter in Reykjavík in cooperation with other organizations, where about 450 patients are given opportunities for daily rehabilitation and permanent physical training programs. The Icelandic Heart Association in cooperation with SIBS Iceland Patient Association has for many years offered free health checks to the public as part of its nationwide health prevention activities. The project began in 2000 and today 273 places in the country have been visited and 24,000 individuals have been measured. The Association has published booklets and taken part in the production of a pictures (videos) of heart disease, heart surgery, coronary artery bypass grafting and rehabilitation on heart surgery, the main theme is to increase the well-being and safety of the patient. Our magazine, VELFERÐ, is issued 2 times a year. The Association is a member of SÍBS, The Icelandic Association of Tuberculosis and Chest Patients and ÖBÍ, The Organization of Disabled in Iceland. Our headquarters are at: Borgartúni 28a, 105 Reykjavík Tel: +354 552 5744 E-mail: [email protected] Home page www.hjartaheill.is
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    Icelandic Heart Association

    Icelandic Heart Association

    The Icelandic Heart Association is a science institute that is operated without profit and has the sole goal of utilising its money for research for the public good. The purpose of IHA is to combat all chronic illnesses, particularly cardiovascular diseases, their spread and consequences. Special emphasis on IHA, its subsidiaries and collaborators taking great care in collecting research information. Applying scientific methods to analyse factors determining health and diseases, and, wherever possible, making utilisable discoveries.
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    Hljóðbókasafn Íslands

    Hljóðbókasafn Íslands

    The Talking Book Library of Iceland does make accessible books for blind people, the visually impaired, and people with print disabilities
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    Hollvinasamtök Heilsustofnunar NLFÍ

    Hollvinasamtök Heilsustofnunar NLFÍ

    Hollvinir Heilsustofnunar is a charity foundation that supports Heilsustofnun in Hveragerði. There are about 1,000 members and all the funds donated goes directly to the purchase of equipment benefiting the clients.
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    Hollvinasamtök Reykjalundar

    Hollvinasamtök Reykjalundar

    Hollvinasamtök Reykjalundar assumes a crucial role as a primary sponsor in supporting the rehabilitation efforts undertaken at Reykjalundur, thus contributing significantly to the institution's mission and impact within the community.
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    Friends of Grensasdeild Society

    Friends of Grensasdeild Society

    The Friends of Grensasdeild Society are a open charity organisation that aims to support the rehabilitation centre at Grensasdeild.
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    Amnesty International Iceland

    Amnesty International Iceland

    Mannréttindasamtökin Amnesty International er alþjóðleg hreyfing fólks sem sinnir rannsóknum og berst fyrir því að alþjóðlega viðurkennd mannréttindi séu virt og að allir njóti verndar þeirra. Félagar okkar og stuðningsaðilar þrýsta á stjórnvöld, stofnanir, fyrirtæki og alþjóðlegar hreyfingar. Félagar okkar eru 7 milljónir talsins um heim allan og við erum óháð öllum ríkisstjórnum, stjórnmálastefnum, efnahagslegum hagsmunum og trúarbrögðum. Við lútum eigin stjórn og erum fjárhagslega sjálfstæð, þökk sé öflugum stuðningi félaga. www.amnesty.is
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    Íþróttafélagið Ösp

    Íþróttafélagið Ösp

    On the occasion of the Paralympic Games in Paris, starting on August 28, the Embassy of France and Ösp Sports club set up a running team to collect pledges for Ösp during the Reykjavík Marathon fun run. Ösp Sports Club is an inclusive sports club that specializes in services for individuals with special needs. With us, everyone is welcome. Everyone can participate in sports in some way. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something!
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    Kattholt - cat shelter

    Kattholt - cat shelter

    Homeless cats need your support!
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    The Akureyri Cancer society

    The Akureyri Cancer society

    The Cancer Association of Akureyri and the surrounding area runs a service center in Akureyri that provides education, support and counseling to persons diagnosed with cancer and their relatives, free of charge. Counselor interviews, support groups and various useful courses are available. www.kaon.is
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    Krabbameinsfélag Árnessýslu

    Krabbameinsfélag Árnessýslu

    The Cancer Association of Árnessýslu is a strong member association of KÍ that works systematically to strengthen services in the local area. The company is run by grants and donations from companies, associations and benefactors who care about the issue. The service focuses on social and psychological aspects following a cancer diagnosis.
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    The Cancer Society of Eastfjords

    The Cancer Society of Eastfjords

    Krabbameinsfélag Austfjarða is the cancer society for East fjords of Iceland, serving the area Fjarðabyggð and Djúpivogur.
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    Krabbameinsfélag Hvammstangalæknishéraðs

    Krabbameinsfélag Hvammstangalæknishéraðs

    The Hvammstanga Medical Region's Cancer Society was founded on October 13, 1968. The society supports people with cancer in the region
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    The Icelandic Cancer Society

    The Icelandic Cancer Society

    The Icelandic Cancer Society is at the forefront of the fight against cancer in Iceland. The ICS was founded in 1954 and is solely funded by gifts and donations from the public and businesses. Only with your support can we fund our cancer research, provide counselling and support for cancer patients and their families and create awareness to prevent cancer in future generations. Thank you for your support!
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    Sigurvon, the cancer society of Westfjords and Strandir

    Sigurvon, the cancer society of Westfjords and Strandir

    Sigurvon´s main purpose is to support the fight against cancer in every way. Sigurvon runs a service center in Ísafjörður but is for all of Westfjords, where people with cancer and their relatives can go and get all kinds of support, education and advice. One of Sigurvon's most important goals is to financially support individuals who are struggling with cancer. The financial burden of those who fall ill is great, and not least of all those who live in rural areas. It is therefore important that a regional association like Sigurvon can cultivate its role with dedication, with the loyal help of its fellow citizens. You can read more about the company here and on their Facebook page.
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    Krabbameinsfélag Snæfellsness

    Krabbameinsfélag Snæfellsness

    Krabbameinsfélag Snæfellsnes is the cancer society for Snæfellsnes peninsula. We give people with cancer and their families support through their treatment by social support, education and information and through peer support. We also help cancer patient with financial support during treatment.
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    Krabbavörn Vestmannaeyja

    Krabbavörn Vestmannaeyja

    Krabbavörn in Vestmannaeyjar is an association whose mission is to support the individuals diagnosed with cancer in Vestmannaeyjar and their relatives socially and financially
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    Kraftur, organization for young adults diagnosed with cancer and relatives

    Kraftur, organization for young adults diagnosed with cancer and relatives

    Kraftur is an organization that supports young adults diagnosed with cancer from the age of 18 to 40 years old and relatives from 18 years old. You can get various support at Kraftur, such as financial support, consultation, peer support, coaching, etc. You can see the support you can get at Kraftur here below. Kraftur’s services are generally free for members
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    Icelandic Lutheran Mission

    Icelandic Lutheran Mission

    The Icelandic Lutheran Mission is a society of groups and individuals doing mission and aid work world wide. ILM works mainly in Ethiopia and Kenya and also in Japan and in co work with international mission organizations in the Middle East, North Africa and Pakistan. Missionaries help people in different ways dealing with poverty, draught, lack of health care ect. They do all kinds of teaching, health care, nursing and different aid work such as with in agriculture, water projects and more. In times of famine they provide extensive aid work. Here in Iceland the mission works among asylum seekers and refugees. One of the projects is offering free Icelandic classes and programs for parents with young children.
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    Krýsuvík is a nonprofit organization operating a treatment center for substance use disorder (SUD). At Krýsuvík, we have room for 21 treatment guests at any time.
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    Kubuneh (Allir skipta máli)

    Kubuneh (Allir skipta máli)

    Allir skipta máli runs a health clinic in Kubuneh village in Gambia. 12-15.000 people have access to the clinic. By selling second hand clothes donated to the project we can make this happen and finance this project. We have a store at Vestmannabraut 37 in Vestmannaeyjar. The shop's name is Kubuneh as the village. The charity also pays for education for people who want to become nurses and midwifes in Kubuneh. For women only kit is a project that has been going on since 2019 in the village. Girls and women get educations about menstruation and the female body. Everyone gets reusable pads at the end of a presentation.
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    The Womens' Shelter

    The Womens' Shelter

    The Women's Shelters runs emergency shelters for women and their children when staying at home is unbearable due to mental or physical violence by another household member. An interview service is also run for women who do not come to stay but prefer to try to change their situation without leaving their homes. The phone service is open 24/7. Education about violence, its manifestations and prevention is part of the activities, and brochures are published and distributed to health centers, schools and elsewhere.
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    Læti! / Girls Rock!

    Læti! / Girls Rock!

    Læti! / Girls Rock! is an organisation with a feminist ideology. Our purpose is to empower marginalized genders through music and equality work. We promote equality and inclusion in music and educate both participants and others about equality matters in that field. We will support our dear friend Mirlinda who runs Girls Rock Togo.
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    Landvernd Icelandic Environment Association

    Landvernd Icelandic Environment Association

    Landvernd's role is to safeguard Icelandic nature. You can give back to nature by supporting Landvernd. You can make a difference.
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    Icelandic Epilepsy Association

    Icelandic Epilepsy Association

    We have an open office to service our members, professionals and the public, who need: information, advice, education and support. We work on prevention, translation and publishing of leaflets and books, as well as our annual magazine, Laufblaðið. We also visit schools, kindergartens and all kinds of facilities where the disabled and the elderly are serviced and give educational lectures about epilepsy and life with epilepsy.
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    Laugarásinn meðferðargeðdeild

    Laugarásinn meðferðargeðdeild

    Laugarásinn is a specialized psychiatric department in Landspítali. The department is for young people aged 16-35 with psychosis in the early stages. A major part of treatment is to offer a variety of leisure activities, education and health-promoting activities. The pledges will be used to strengthen these aspects of the activity, for example through the purchase of bicycles, board games and other things that directly benefit service users.
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    Lif styrktarfelag

    Lif styrktarfelag

    Lif charity organization, was founded on December 7, 2009 and has the main goal of supporting and strengthening the Women's Department of Landspítal, improving facilities and services for women and their families during pregnancy, childbirth and childbirth, as well as for women who need care due to gynecological diseases.
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    Lipoedema Ísland

    Lipoedema Ísland

    Our goal is to promote a better well-being of individuals with Lipoedema and to work towards an adequate supply of necessary services.
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    Lítil Þúfa fta

    Lítil Þúfa fta

    Túfan is a halfway house for women who have completed treatment for addiction to alcohol and/or other substances and is run by the public welfare association Lítil Túfa fta.
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    Ljónshjarta (Lionheart) - a support organisation for young people who have lost their spouses and children that have lost a parent.

    Ljónshjarta (Lionheart) - a support organisation for young people who have lost their spouses and children that have lost a parent.

    Ljónsjarta (Lionsheart) is an organization to support young people who have lost a partner and children who have lost a parent, founded in 2013. Everything collected in the Íslandsbanki Reykjavík Marathon goes to the project Grípum Ljónsjartabörn (Catching the children of Lionsheart) - to pay for psychological services for children who have lost a parent.
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    Ljósið - Cancer Rehabilitation Center

    Ljósið - Cancer Rehabilitation Center

    Ljósið is an independent cancer rehabilitation center located in Reykjavik. Our team offers phycological, physical and social rehabilitation to Icelanders diagnosed with cancer as well as education and support for family members. Each month over 500 people seek our services which now include special telehealth services for those residing away from the capital.
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    Mæðrastyrksnefnd Reykjavík

    Mæðrastyrksnefnd Reykjavík

    The Mother's Support Association is an organization that supports single parents and guardians, the disabled, senior citizens and others who have little on their hands with food and clothing distribution as well as other grants.
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    Málefli - Non-profit organization for children and teenagers with with speech and language disorders
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    ME félag Íslands

    ME félag Íslands

    ME félag Íslands is a charity for people with ME disease (some call the disease Chronic Fatigue) their families and others who want improvements for ME patients. The purpose of the ME félag association is to protect the interests of members such as e.g. to fight for early diagnosis, access to the right healthcare and the right treatments within the health system. The association represents members towards the public sector, as well as domestic and foreign parties. The association monitors innovations in research and treatment of the disease and encourages the health system to increase ME patients' access to treatments that are promising for improved health and quality of life. Your support is greatly appreciated.
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    Mia Magic

    Mia Magic

    Mia Magic is a charity founded on February 1, 2021. Mia Magic focuses on giving chronically ill children and their parents a Miubox filled up with gifts and goods as well as publishing educational books. The book Mia's magic gadget (book about a port-a-cath) and Mia goes to the fair, written by Þórunn Eva and Bergrún Íris have been a big hit. The fund we will raise this year goes on to publishing a new book. "Mia goes in for a blood draw."
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    Fund for blood- and oncology at Landspítala

    Fund for blood- and oncology at Landspítala

    Fund to strengthen the blood- and oncology department at Landspítali
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    Minningar og styrktarsjóður heimahlynningar Akureyri

    Minningar og styrktarsjóður heimahlynningar Akureyri

    Minningar og styrktarsjóður heimahlynningar is a fund that supports various issues related to palliative care in the greater Akureyri area.
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    Minningarsjóður Arnars Gunnarssonar

    Minningarsjóður Arnars Gunnarssonar

    The Memorial Fund of Arnar Gunnarsson was founded in April 2024, a little over a year after his tragic passing. It´s purspose can be divided into three main objectives, to support young and promising handball players financially, to advocate for a healthy and honest participation for parents and guardians who have kids in sports, and last but not least to honor Arnar´s memory.
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    Memorial Fund of Baldvin Rúnarsson

    Memorial Fund of Baldvin Rúnarsson

    The Memorial fund of Badvin Rúnarssson. Baldvin died after a five-year battle with cancer on May 31, 2019, at the age of 25. The purpose of the fund is to support individuals, groups or associations in the field of sports and humanitarian affairs
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    Minningarsjodur Egils Hrafns

    Minningarsjodur Egils Hrafns

    The purpose of the fund is to support projects that promote the participation of young people aged 16-20 in sports and other leisure activities. The dropout of young people at this age from sports and organized leisure activities is unfortunately far too common. Access to sports and other recreation for young people, where social networking and companionship are the main goal, is an important public health issue. The fund is a memorial fund to honor Egill Hrafn who particularly enjoyed football and to create music and was only 17 years old when he died in May 2023.
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    Minningarsjóður Gunnars Helga

    Minningarsjóður Gunnars Helga

    The 16th of june 2022 did Gunnar Helgi Friðriksson loose the battle for his life at Vökudeild Barnaspítala Hringsins. The fund aims to be able to help families who find themselves in similar situation as Gunnar´s parents.
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    Gunnar Karl's Memorial Fund

    Gunnar Karl's Memorial Fund

    Gunnar Karl's memorial fund is established in memory of Gunnar Karl Haraldsson, who died on February 28, 2021 after a battle with cancer. At a young age he was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis (NF1), a disease that had great impact on his quality of life. The objective of the fund is to support his passion for equal rights of disabled people. The fund provides to persons with disabilities financial assistance for studies, leisure, and sports activities and to projects that support the participation of disabled people equally with others in the society.
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    Memorial fund of Hjalti Þór Ísleifsson mathematician

    Memorial fund of Hjalti Þór Ísleifsson mathematician

    The memorial fund of Hjalti Þór Ísleifsson mathematician was founded last winter by Hjalti's mother, Heiður. Hjalti passed away December 15th 2023.
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    Fund for cardiac department at Landspítali

    Fund for cardiac department at Landspítali

    Fund to strengthen the cardiac department at Landspítali
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    Minningarsjóður Hlyns Snæs

    Minningarsjóður Hlyns Snæs

    The memorial fund was established in 2019 in memory of Hlynur Snær Árnason, who died at the age of 16 in 2018. This year, the fund will support the Icelandic Alzheimar Charity.
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    Minningarsjóður Hróars

    Minningarsjóður Hróars

    Ungmennafélagið Þróttur og Nesbúegg established Hróar's memorial fund. Baldvin Hróar, who died on 9 July 2020, was an active member of the Þróttur Youth Club and was chairman of the club from 2017 to 2019. The fund's goal is to support low - income practitioners to participate in the work of Þróttur's children and youth work, support practitioners for tournament fees, trips . grants for the purchase of training equipment, for example for shoes and training clothes in connection with larger tournaments.
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    The Ibrahim Shah Memorial Fund

    The Ibrahim Shah Memorial Fund

    The memorial fund is established in memory of Ibrahim Shah. Ibrahim passed away in an accident at Ásvellir in Hafnarfjörður on October 30, 2023, when a cement truck struck him on his way home from football practice. Ibrahim was born on the 9th of January at Landspítalinn in Reykjavík in 2015. He attended Waldorfskólinn Sólstafir, Ísaksskóli through grades 1-3 and Hraunvallaskóli in the fourth grade, right before he passed. He played football with Valur from 2021-2023 and had just started playing with Haukar in the autumn of 2023. Ibrahim Shah was an 8-year-old boy who lit up the world with his presence. He was incredibly good at football and a positive soul that never missed an opportunity to tell everyone around him how much he loved them. He has left behind him his parents, 4 siblings and a large group of relatives and loved ones. His family is still learning to live with this new reality and has stuck together and kept each other going with the help of a large and beautiful support system that their relatives, loved ones and the Icelandic community, but now they want the world to get to know Ibrahim, and so the Ibrahim Shah Memorial Fund was established.
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    Minningarsjóður Jennýjar Lilju

    Minningarsjóður Jennýjar Lilju

    On October 24, 2015, Jenný Lilja died in an accident when she was only 3 years old. Jennýjar Lilja's family established a memorial fund in her memory. The purpose of the fund is to support individuals who have lost a loved one in childhood, groups of friends/colleagues to receive education and also to support the purchase of equipment.
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    The Memorial Fund of the Guitarist Kristjan Eldjarn

    The Memorial Fund of the Guitarist Kristjan Eldjarn

    The Memorial Fund of the guitarist Kristján Eldjárn (1972-2002) gives yearly generous awards to outstanding musicians.
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    Fund for the hospice and homecare department HERA at Landspitali

    Fund for the hospice and homecare department HERA at Landspitali

    Fund to promote the hospice and homecare department HERA at Landspítali
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    Minningarsjóður Ölla

    Minningarsjóður Ölla

    The Ölli Memorial Fund is created in memory of Örlygur Aron Sturluson, one of the best basketball players in Iceland's history who died only 18 years old in 2000. The purpose of the Ölli Memorial Fund is to help children in need in Iceland to practice sports. The fund typically covers training costs, sporting equipment and sportswear and travel costs for training camps or tournaments both locally and abroad.
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    Minningarsjóður Orra Ómarssonar

    Minningarsjóður Orra Ómarssonar

    The funds purpose is to support the work on the prevention of suicides and provide support to families and survivors of suicide. The fund is established in memory of Orri Ómarsson who was born on 3 June 1993 and died on 30 January in 2010. When Orri died he was a student at the Menntaskólinn i Reykjavik (Reykjavik 6th form college) and played football with the FH football club. Orri Omarsson memorial fund has for example supported the establishment of the web site sjalfsvig.is (suicide.is). The fund has also contributed to the translation and publication of the book "Dying to be free" by Beverly Cobain. The book is a guide for the survivors after a suicide occurs, but it is also a suggested read for those who struggle with suicidal thoughts and their families http://www.bokafelagid.is/products/thra-eftir-fresli. The fund aims to continue its objective since the fact is that every month 3-4 persons die by suicide in Iceland alone!
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    Memorial fund for Sindri Freyr Guðmundsson's family

    Memorial fund for Sindri Freyr Guðmundsson's family

    Memorial fund for Sindri Freyr Guðmundsson's family
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    Minningarsjóður Svavars Péturs Eysteinssonar

    Minningarsjóður Svavars Péturs Eysteinssonar

    Svavar Pétur Eysteinsson, who was best known as the musician Prins Póló, died on September 29, 2022 after a battle with cancer. The memorial fund was established with the aim of keeping Svavar Pétur's memory alive and will be used to support and strengthen creative people in different fields to bring good ideas to life.
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    MND Iceland

    MND Iceland

    MND Iceland was founded 20. February 1993. We have an office in Sigtun 42, 105 Reykjavik Iceland. Our phone is +354 823 7270 and we answer or call you back as soon as possible. We are members of the International alliance of ALS/MND associations as well as the European alliance. If you need trusting info on the disease, in English, we recommend the following pages: https://www.alsmndalliance.org/ https://www.mndassociation.org/
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    MS-Society of Iceland

    MS-Society of Iceland

    Multiple Sclerosis is one of the most common neurological diseases that affect young people and around 25 are diagnosed with MS in Iceland each year, most of them aged 20-40. The MS-Society provides both people with MS and their relatives with advice, information and support. Your support is invaluable for the Society's work.
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    Neistinn, Childrens heart foundation in Iceland

    Neistinn, Childrens heart foundation in Iceland

    Neistinn's goal is to make it easier for parents to access to information related to heart defects and heart diseases in children, their treatment. Then Neistinn takes care of rights the family and its emotional needs, e.g. on its information website and social media. Neistinn maintains a strong social life, families of heart children for fun and support and youth work is considered particularly lively. Neistinn is also behind the Neistinn Foundation, which supports heart families financially.
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    Icelandic Kidney Association

    Icelandic Kidney Association

    The goal of the Kidney Association is to support all kidney patients and their families and also to work on prevention to slow down and combat kidney failure. The Kidney Association works to ensure that all kidney patients receive the best treatment. The company provides information on kidney disease and its treatment. A newsletter is published and educational and entertainment meetings are held. The liaison group for kidney patients and their relatives provides support to those who are ill and their relatives. There is also a working group of parents of children with kidney disease.
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    Okkar heimur

    Okkar heimur

    Okkar heimur is charity that offers support for children of parents with a mental illness.
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    Örninn - Minningar og styrktarsjóður

    Örninn - Minningar og styrktarsjóður

    Örninn supports children and adolescents between the ages of 9 and 17 who have lost a parent or other close loved ones.
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    Parkinson's Iceland

    Parkinson's Iceland

    Parkinson's Iceland and Taktur Rehabilitation Centre offers specialized rehabilitation for people with Parkinson's and support for carers. Taktur offers specialized physiotherapy, occupational therapy, education, counseling, support, and social activities. The rehabilitation program aims to improve physical, mental, and social skills, leading to increased quality of life for people with Parkinson's.
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    PCOS Iceland

    PCOS Iceland

    The PCOS Association of Iceland was founded in the autumn of 2021. The purpose of the association is to provide support and guidance to individuals with symptoms of PCOS and their relatives, as well as to improve the access of individuals diagnosed with PCOS to information about their rights and possible treatment options. Additionally, the association aims to promote increased public awareness of PCOS among the general public and professionals/authorities.
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    Píeta samtökin, sjálfsvígs- og sjálfsskaða forvarnir.

    Píeta samtökin, sjálfsvígs- og sjálfsskaða forvarnir.

    Pieta - Non-profit charity. Supporting people in crisis, suicidial or selfharm.
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    Funding for research into Children- and adolescent mental health service in Landspítali (LSH)

    Funding for research into Children- and adolescent mental health service in Landspítali (LSH)

    Fund to promote research into Children- and adolescent mental health in Landspítali (BUGL LSH)
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    Fund for rehabilitation unit at Grensás - Landspitali

    Fund for rehabilitation unit at Grensás - Landspitali

    Fund for strengthening the rehabilitation unit at Grensás - Landspitali
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    Rauði krossinn - Frú Ragnheiður in Reykjavik - Harm Reduction

    Rauði krossinn - Frú Ragnheiður in Reykjavik - Harm Reduction

    Frú Ragnheiður based on the ideology of harm reduction. The project aims to reach marginalized groups in society, such as homeless individuals and individuals who use intravenous drugs and offer them harm-reducing services in the form of health services and needle exchange services. Each shift is staffed by a nurse and a back-up physician.
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    Camp Reykjadalur

    Camp Reykjadalur

    Reykjadalur is a summer camp for children and youngsters with disabilities aged 8-21, run by The Benefit Society of Children with Disabilities. The aim of Reykjadalur is to enrich the lives of those that stay there, to support friendship and give experiences. There are no limiations, only solutions. Approximately 250 mentally or physically challenged children from all over Iceland come to Reykjadalur every year. The camp was established by The Benefit Society in 1963. There have been a lot of changes through the years, but the aim has always been to try to make it a better place for the children.
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    Samhjalp nonprofit

    Samhjalp nonprofit

    Samhjáp has worked in charity work for five decades for those living in poverty and social isolation, often a result of long-term struggles with addiction. Samhjálp runs the rehab facility home Hlaðgerðarkot where there is room for 30 individuals in the treatment of addiction diseases, Samhjálp's soup kitchen "Kaffistofan" which give around 100,000 meals a year, as well as intermediate and support homes in Reykjavík and Kópavogur. The soup kitchen "Kaffistofan" is open every day of the year and serves up to 350 meals daily. The company's website is www.samhjalp.is - you can also find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/samhjalp.is og Instagram https://www.instagram.com/samhjalp/?hl=en
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    SAA - National Center of Addiction Medicine

    SAA - National Center of Addiction Medicine

    SÁÁ , the National Center of Addiction medicine, assists individuals and their families in the struggle against addiction. SÁÁ achieves this through education, detoxification, and treatment in outpatient facilities, hospitals, and treatment centers. The goal of SÁÁ is to enable clients and their families to attain a new and better life free from the grip of addiction.
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    Samtokin '78 - National Queer Organization

    Samtokin '78 - National Queer Organization

    Samtökin ‘78 - the National Queer Organisation is Iceland’s oldest LGBTI+ organisation, founded in 1978. We strive to support our community in every way we can. We provide education on LGBTI+ issues in schools and workplaces, we provide queer people, friends and family with free access to counsellors, we fight for better legal rights, we create social spaces for queer people, host events celebrating queer people and so much more. The one thing limiting us is not lack of imagination but lack of funds. That’s why we ask you to pledge support to Samtökin ‘78 to help us better achieve our goal of making queer people in Iceland equal citizens in every sense of the word. Join us! We have rainbow cookies.
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    Sigurboginn, styrktarfélag Sigurbjörns Boga

    Sigurboginn, styrktarfélag Sigurbjörns Boga

    Sigurbjörn Bogi is twelve years old boy. He was born with hydrocephalus. Sigurbjörn Bogi has muliple handicap. He is blind and has CP. He also has epilepsy. Sigurbjörn Bogi can not communicate verbally. Sigurbjörn Bogi use weelchair and needs lot of special equipment. Sigurbjörn Bogi is a lovely and charming boy, happy and enjoy playing with his friends in his school and loves to be outdoors. Sigurbjörn Bogi's family and friends founded this sponsorship association in support of him and his family. The purpose is to help the family with Sigurbjörn Bogi's special needs and to buy special equipment that is not funded by the government. He acquired e.g. wheelchair bicycle which was f. ex. purchased for donations through hlaupastyrk.is. The bike completely changed his possibilities for outdoor activities.
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    Sjálfsbjörg, the National Confederation of Physically Disabled People

    Sjálfsbjörg, the National Confederation of Physically Disabled People

    The goal of Sjálfsbjörg Confederation is to fight for full equality of physically disabled people in Iceland and to inform the public about the circumstances of physically disabled people. To reach this goal, Sjálfsbjörg Confederation cooperates with the government, municipalities, various interest groups, and individuals in Iceland. Despite improvements for disabled people over the years, there is still a long way to go to reach full equality.
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    The charity fund "Blind children in Iceland"

    The charity fund "Blind children in Iceland"

    The fund's purpose is to support blind and visually impaired children under 18 years of age with various things that can help them develop, exercise their skills and enrich their lives. These can be specially designed toys, games, musical instruments and computers which the government does not support parents to buy. Grants are allocated two times each year, in the spring and in the autumn.
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    Skjolid - A shelter for women

    Skjolid - A shelter for women

    Skjólið is a shelter for women experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity. Skjólið provides a safe place for these women during the day. Lunch is provided as well as washroom and laundry facilities. Skjólið offers a place to rest, partake in leisure activities and complimentary use of computers with internet access. Skjólið is operated by Icelandic Church Aid
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    Slysavarnafélagið Landsbjörg

    Slysavarnafélagið Landsbjörg

    ICE-SAR Independent associations have an extensive role in prevention and rescue work in Iceland. Our volunteers have the joint mission is to prevent accidents and save human lives and valuables. In order to fulfil that role there are groups of volunteers always available, night and day, year round.
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    Solaris - aid organisation for refugees and asylum seekers in Iceland

    Solaris - aid organisation for refugees and asylum seekers in Iceland

    Solaris is a humanitarian aid organisation for refugees and asylum seekers in Iceland.
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    Grief and loss center

    Grief and loss center

    Sorgarmiðstöð is a non-profit association that works in the public interest and offers support, education and advice to bereaved people and those who work for their well-being. We offer people to come together in a warm environment. We offer support groups, peer-to-peer support and other services to those who grieve. You can find more information on our website www.sorgarmidstod.is. Supporting people through grief directly influences public health by promoting and supporting people's mental, physical and social health after losing a loved one.
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    SOS Children's Villages

    SOS Children's Villages

    SOS Children's Villages is the world’s largest non-governmental organisation focused on supporting children without parental care and families at risk, now operating in 138 countries. Since 1949, SOS has been working to ensure that children grow up in a loving family environment and have their rights fulfilled. When children can no longer live with their families, SOS Children´s Villages works with communities and state partners to provide children with loving and supportive alternative care. In Family strengthening projects all over the world, SOS works to prevent family breakdown and ensure that children's rights are met.
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    Specialisterne á Íslandi

    Specialisterne á Íslandi

    Specialisterne in Iceland is a non-profit organization that works with individuals, 18 years and older, who have a diagnosis of the autism spectrum. Our goal is to help and support individuals who need help and increase their chances of entering the labour market.
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    Starfsmenntunarsjóður ungra kvenna

    Starfsmenntunarsjóður ungra kvenna

    BKR (Bandalag kvenna í Reykjavík) founded a fund for young women on March 18, 1995. The purpose of the fund is to encourage and support women who do not have the option of student loans to acquire additional education. In particular, these are young single women with children, who for some reason had to stop their studies at one time.
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    Sterkari út í lífið

    Sterkari út í lífið

    Empower a child's self image today! On the website and the app Sterkari út í lífið you'll find educational material and tools, developed by professionals, to help parents, teachers and others who work with children to build a stronger self image within children and adolescents. Your donation to Sterkari út í lífið helps us build a brighter future for our young minds. Make a difference - donate today! Little things make big things happen.
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    Stígamót is an education and counseling center for survivors of sexual violence. Stígamót offers individual counseling and self help groups for people of all genders that have been exposed to sexual violence. Stígamót is also an activist and advocacy organization that fights for better understanding of sexual violence including prevention and response.
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    Edvin's support squad

    Edvin's support squad

    Edvin's support squad is a charity founded to support students at the Reykjakoti preschool in Mosfellsbær. Edvin Gaal-Szabo is three years old and was diagnosed with leukemia (blood cancer) in December 2023. His immune system is very sensitive and his body has a hard time fighting off infections. Therefore, preventive measures are important and Edvin's parents need to minimize all contact with other people. They are unable to work and this results in a large loss of income for the family as well as creating challenging situations as they have little support network in this country.
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    Support All Charities

    Support All Charities

    Here you can support all the charities because when the donation collection ends, the entire donate amount is divided equally between all the charities that were collecting donations this year.
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    Styrktarfélag Alexöndru P. Barkardóttur

    Styrktarfélag Alexöndru P. Barkardóttur

    The Alexandra P. Barkardóttir Support Fund was established on July 31, 2024, by her aunt Karítas Dan, her sister Sigrún Ösp, and her mother Guðrún Diljá. In 2021, Alexandra was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer during pregnancy. Following chemotherapy and surgery while pregnant, and further chemotherapy and radiation treatments, she was expected to be cured of the cancer. However, just over three months later, she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer, indicating metastases that had spread throughout her body. Triple-negative breast cancer is a particularly aggressive form of cancer with few treatment options available. In Iceland, there is limited experience in treating this type of cancer, so she decided to seek expertise abroad and has funded it entirely on her own. Her treatment, choice of medication, and other related decisions have been largely guided by the advice of foreign specialists. The purpose of this fundraising effort is to ease the financial burden on her family. At the time of her diagnosis, they were in the process of moving into their apartment. Alexandra had just graduated from medical school with student loans to repay, and her husband had only recently completed his studies. They were also expecting a child. The recognized treatment methods (chemotherapy) available to her have rapidly diminished, as most have proven ineffective. Consequently, Alexandra is now considering alternative treatments she wishes to integrate into her current regimen. These are costly, and the fundraising will provide her with the opportunity to pursue them. Additionally, obtaining foreign consultation is expensive, and the time is approaching for another such consultation. Alongside caring for her young daughter, who is now two years old, Alexandra has been unable to work due to the numerous chemotherapy treatments, surgeries, imaging procedures, and hospitalizations she has undergone over the past two and a half years. It is clear that there are many tasks and significant challenges ahead. All contributions will go toward the expenses associated with her treatment, enabling her to continue seeking expert advice abroad and to add therapies that have the potential to extend her time with her family. Therefore, we kindly ask you to support us and contribute to ease their ongoing struggle! Many small contributions make a big difference!! Support Account: ID No.: 410824-0350 Bank: 0515-14-009130
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    Styrktarfélagið Broskallar

    Styrktarfélagið Broskallar

    The non-profit organisation Broskallar was established in 2015. The main goal of the organisation is to assist students from impoverished areas in Africa in pursuing higher education. To date, around 5000 students in Kenya have benefited from the project.
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    Geysir Clubhouse

    Geysir Clubhouse

    Geysir Club operates according to the philosophy of Clubhouse International which aims to strengthen the skills and strength of those who have or have suffered from mental illness. By giving each person the opportunity to use their strong side, they train them for diverse participation in society. In work within the Geysir Club, the emphasis is on support and respect and looking at strengths instead of focusing on the disease or what is hampering. Anyone who has or has suffered from mental illness can become a member of The Club. For more information, see kgeysir.is
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    Icelandic Childhood Cancer Organization

    Icelandic Childhood Cancer Organization

    12-14 children aged 0-18, are diagnosed with cancer every year in Iceland. The Icelandic Cancer Organization (SKB) is a non-profit organization that was founded in order to fight for the children’s and their families’ rights and interests, and support them both financially and socially. SKB also supports doctors, nurses, and other professionals in acquiring skills and knowledge by having them attend conferences and seminars that directly benefit the members. SKB tries to increase awareness and knowledge about childhood cancer in schools and among the general public by publishing and distributing various information about the matter.
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    The Benefit Society for Children with Disabilities

    The Benefit Society for Children with Disabilities

    The Benefit Society for Children with Disabilities was established in 1952 to support and care for children and young people diagnosed with polio. It´s mission is "to facilitate people with disabilities, particularly children, in every possible manner that contributes to their participation, competence and quality of life".
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    The sponsoring organization of Mikael Smári

    The sponsoring organization of Mikael Smári

    Mikael Smári is an 11-year-old charmer who suffers from the neurodegenerative disease ataxia telangiectasia. The disease affects, among other things, the nervous and immune systems, and leads to a serious impairment of skills. Today, Mikael has difficulty with most movements, is dependent on various aids, including a wheelchair, and a stomach tube, as he finds it difficult to feed himself enough. Mikki's health has gone back quite a bit lately, he gets tired very quickly and therefore rarely participates in school or plays with his peers. Life expectancy is not high for children who are diagnosed with the disease, and the most important thing right now is to give them the best possible life, make memories and let them enjoy themselves.
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    Fund to research organ donation

    Fund to research organ donation

    Fund to strengthen research into organ donation
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    Fund for the emergency room

    Fund for the emergency room

    Fund to strengthen the emergency room at Landspitali
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    Fund for the psychiatric ward

    Fund for the psychiatric ward

    Fund to strengthen the psychiatric ward at Landspitali
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    Fund for the intensive care unit LSH

    Fund for the intensive care unit LSH

    Fund to strengthen the intensive care unit at landspitali
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    Styrktarsjóður Katrínar Bjarkar

    Styrktarsjóður Katrínar Bjarkar

    Katrín Björk Guðjónsdóttir was 21 years old when she had a small stroke and then ten days later a bloodclot. Seven months after that she had a much bigger stroke where she had to have surgery to save her life.
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    Fund for Landspitali-hospital

    Fund for Landspitali-hospital

    Fund to strengthen various departments at landspitali
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    Fund for internal medicine department LSH

    Fund for internal medicine department LSH

    Fund to strengthen the internal medicine department LSH
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    Fund for the geriatrician department LSH

    Fund for the geriatrician department LSH

    Fund to strengthen the geriatrician department LSH
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    Fund for general surgery unit at LSH

    Fund for general surgery unit at LSH

    Fund to strengthen the surgery unit at LSH
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    Fund to research colon cancer at Landspitali

    Fund to research colon cancer at Landspitali

    Fund to strengthen research into colon cancer at Landspitali.
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    Sveinssjóður, minningarsjóður um Svein Zoëga

    Sveinssjóður, minningarsjóður um Svein Zoëga

    Sjóður til að styrkja og efla starfsemi Rjóðursins.
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    TeamTinna is a charity organization founded in memory of Tinna Ósk Grímarsdóttir. Our mission is to spread joy, positivity and love just like Tinna.
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    Tilvera, The Icelandic Infertility Association

    Tilvera, The Icelandic Infertility Association

    Tilvera is a non profit organazation for people dealing with infertility. One of every six people deals with infertility. Infertility takes a heavy toll mentally and physically on the person involved, not to mention financially or affecting the marriage/relationship of a couple.
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    Trans Iceland

    Trans Iceland

    Trans Iceland is a community-led trans rights advocacy organization for trans people in Iceland.
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    Trans Allies

    Trans Allies

    Trans Allies for parents and relatives of trans children in Iceland
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    Umhyggja - félag langveikra barna

    Umhyggja - félag langveikra barna

    Umhyggja is an organization for chronically ill children in Iceland. Its members are families of chronically ill children as well as professionals.
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    UNICEF Iceland

    UNICEF Iceland

    This year, the pledges of those running for UNICEF in Iceland will go to the UNICEF emergency fund for children in Gaza. Over 30 thousand people have been killed in Gaza, of which about 70% are children and women. 3.1 million people are in need nationwide. Despite the dangerous conditions, UNICEF continues to deliver life-saving supplies such as medicine, nutritional products and clean water. Supplies and living standards are rapidly decreasing in Gaza, so UNICEF needs your donations to reach more children and families. UNICEF stands for children's rights, for ALL children. They are the ones who suffer the worst in all conflicts, and UNICEF works for them.
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    UN Women National Committee Iceland

    UN Women National Committee Iceland

    UN Women is United Nations entity that is dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. UN Women supports projects aimed at ending violence against women, reducing poverty, economic and political empowerment, as well as providing women with fundamental human rights. UN Women‘s ideology is that when women are healthy, educated and engaged in the economy, the benefits extend to their children, communities and nations. UN Women relies entirely on voluntary donations from governments, companies and individuals
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    Feral cats

    Feral cats

    The main purpose of Villikettir is to care for feral and homeless cats in Iceland and all operations are run by volunteers. All pledges go towards our medical fund that provides for lifesaving vet care for cats in need.
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    Vinir Bjarka Daða

    Vinir Bjarka Daða

    The purpose of the association is to support the family of Bjarki Daði, who has a rare, incurable and serious syndrome called Sengers syndrome.
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    Hope, a charity for the benefit of the patients, and their relatives, at the intensive care unit at LSH Fossvogi was founded in 2007 by the unit's nurses. Our goals are primarily to improve our client's accommodations and give them the best possible environment during their hard times. We've refurnished accommodations as well as provide a place to rest
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    Það er Von

    Það er Von

    Það er von is a non-profit founded in 2019 and our mission is to assist people with drug addiction and their families through counselling free of charge. Það er von raise awareness through increased discussion and visibility of people with addiction.
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