The Reykjavik Marathon has been held annually in downtown Reykjavik since 1984. In recent years, the marathon has taken place on the same day as the Reykjavik Culture Night, which is celebrated in Reykjavik on the Saturday closest to the city's anniversary, August 18th.
Reykjavik Marathon is a nonprofit organisation that was established in 1984. From the year 2003, the Reykjavik Marathon has been under the guardian of Reykjavik Sports Association, the association of sports clubs in Reykjavik. The Reykjavik Sports Association organises five events every year: Reykjavik International Games in January, The Northern Lights Run, powered by Orkusalan, in February, Suzuki Midnight Sun Run in June, Laugavegur Ultra Marathon in July and Islandsbanki Reykjavik Marathon in August. About 600 volunteers take part in the execution of the Reykjavik Marathon every year, most of them are members of the sport clubs in Reykjavik.
The Islandsbanki Reykjavik Marathon is organized by the Reykjavik Sport Union.
Reykjavik Sport Association / Reykjavik Sport Events
ID number: 590493-2369
Engjavegur 6
104 Reykjavik
tel. +354 535 3700
The race information emails are the following:
General information : [email protected]
- August 23rd, 2025
- August 22nd, 2026
- August 21st, 2027
Next race
The history of the race
Here you can find information about the history of the Islandsbanki Reykjavik Marathon, as well as statistical data on participants and other interesting aspects related to the event.
Race magazine
Here you can find all the magazines published by the Reykjavik Marathon, featuring entertaining and informative articles by various experts, interviews, photos, results and more.
Honor Club
Runners who have completed 10 marathons or half marathons in the Reykjavík Marathon qualify for membership in the Reykjavík Marathon Honor Club. Runners receive recognition upon completing 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 races. More information about the Honor Club can be found here.
Culture night
Reykjavik Culture Night (Menningarnótt) takes place in Reykjavik on the same day as the Islandsbanki Reykjavik Marathon. This is truly an art festival with all kinds of happenings all over town, be it theatre, music, fine arts, food or just fun. Further information on the web culturenight.is
Here you can find more information about the partners of the Islandsbanki Reykjavik Marathon (til sponsors og partners síða, skoða það)