The Alzheimers Association of Iceland

Total collected

8,209 kr.

Pledge count


The Alzheimer's Association is an association of relatives and benefactors of people with dementia. The aim of the association is to protect the interests of its clients, strengthen the co-operation and cohesion of relatives through educational meetings and publishing activities and increase the understanding of the government, the health profession and the general public about the problems these individuals and their families face.

Our clients are diagnosed with a chronic disease that gradually isolates the individual from daily life. The person can becomes very dependent on their closest relatives, who are usually spouses and caregivers in institutions.

Other main emphases in the association's work are therefore to inform and guide individuals and their relatives after diagnosis or if the disease is suspected. To proRunning day training for people with dementia. To educate the environment about the disease and the behavior of individuals with the disease so that infrastructures such as the police, paramedics, shop staff and service units can respond appropriately in communication with our clients.

Do you want to run for the Alzheimer's Association?

We encourage individuals and running groups to run to support the organization. If your group wants to learn more about dementia, we offer you education free of charge, contact us at [email protected]. Let's open the discussion about dementia in our local area and be active participants in reducing the social isolation of people with dementia and thus increase their quality of life. Those who run in the Reykjavík Marathon for the Alzheimer's Association run in the way for all our clients.

All runners will get a t-shirt from Alzheimersamtökin. Information is available on our website or Facebook: Alzheimersamtökin.

Thank you for your support!

Participant that support this charity

10 K - Regular registration

Páll Ásgrímur Jónsson

Has collected 7,209 kr. for
The Alzheimers Association of Iceland
3.4% of goal
10 K - Regular registration

Andrea Anna Arnardóttir

Has collected 1,000 kr. for
The Alzheimers Association of Iceland
1% of goal

New pledges

Pledge history

Amount101 kr.
No message
Amount2,000 kr.
No message
Sigrún og Óli
Amount5,000 kr.
Thelma Rós
Amount1,000 kr.
Massar þetta !
Amount108 kr.
No message


  • Íslandsbanki
  • Corsa
  • Suzuki
  • 66 Norður
  • Gatorade