Björgunarsveit Hafnarfjarðar

Total collected

539,500 kr.

Pledge count


On February 26, 2000, the Fiskaklettur Search and Rescue Team and the Scout Rescue Team in Hafnarfjörður merged under the banner of the "Hafnarfjörður Search and Rescue Team". The merger created one of the largest and most powerful search and rescue teams in the country, equipped with a large number of equipment, personnel and 50 years of rescue work behind them.

The "Hafnarfjörður Search and Rescue Team" operates within ICE-SAR and is one of the founding units of the Search and Rescue association.

The Hafnarfjordur SAR call sign is SPORI.

The team operates in most areas of rescue work and thus prepares itself to be able to respond to any kind of emergency, whether on land or at sea. The activities can be divided into three main categories: land, sea and equipment. Each works in their own field and manages their own agenda. The members of the SAR-team go to great lengths to keep themselves, as well as equipment in the best possible condition so that they can react quickly when the need arises.

Participant that support this charity

New pledges

Pledge history

Sigrún Jonný Óskarsdóttir
Amount2,000 kr.
No message
Þórarinn Jónas
Amount5,000 kr.
No message
Amount5,000 kr.
No message
Eiki og Mæja
Amount15,000 kr.
Áfram Gylfi og Björgunarsveit Hafnarfjarðar (Fiskaklettur)
Birgir Magnús
Amount2,000 kr.
No message
Amount1,000 kr.
Þú pakkar þessu saman 😘😘
NORTH Consulting
Amount10,000 kr.
Áfram Gylfi og góður málsstaður
Amount5,000 kr.
Held með þér!
Amount5,000 kr.
Who’s gonna carry the boats
Írena Hrafney
Amount5,000 kr.
Daníel Arnar
Amount5,000 kr.
No message
Guðmundur Orri
Amount5,000 kr.
Vamos frændi
Pétur Jökull Þorvaldsson
Amount5,000 kr.
Koma svo!
Amount5,000 kr.
No message
Gunnar Gunn
Amount5,000 kr.
No message
Amma og Afi
Amount250,000 kr.
Áfram Gylfi!
Örvar Atli Þorgeirsson
Amount5,000 kr.
No message
Amount1,000 kr.
No message
Danni Nicholl
Amount5,000 kr.
Hinrika Salka Björnsdóttir
Amount5,000 kr.
No message
Steinn Márus Guðmundsson
Amount10,000 kr.
No message
Amount20,000 kr.
Just do it
Tómas Ingi Ragnarsson
Amount5,000 kr.
No message
Saga Kristín besta frænka
Amount5,000 kr.
Áfram Gylfi🩷
Amount2,000 kr.
No message
Salvör Svanhvít Björnsdóttir
Amount2,500 kr.
No message
Erla Þuríður Pétursdóttir
Amount3,000 kr.
Gangi þér vel á hlaupadaginn
Mamma og Fiddi
Amount10,000 kr.
Þú gerðir þetta, vel gert. Við erum stolt af þér og mundu það komast ekki allir á ráslínuna.
Anna María Gunnarsdóttir
Amount5,000 kr.
Takk Gylfi Steinn
Herdís Rúnarsdóttir
Amount3,000 kr.
Þú rúllar þessu upp 🏃💪
Sigurður Þórðarson
Amount75,000 kr.
No message
Rannveig og Björn Arnar
Amount50,000 kr.
Flott hjá þér Gylfi
Amount3,000 kr.
No message


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