Lítil Þúfa fta

Total collected

35,000 kr.

Pledge count


There is room for ten women at Túfunni, 2 double rooms and 6 single rooms. The philosophy of the Túfan is a holistic recovery-oriented approach that promotes lifestyle change. The goal is to help women in

the beginning of recovery in breaking isolation, building activity and skills to start a life on your own

spit when the stay at Túfunn is over. When women enter Túfuna, work is done

an individual plan with an emphasis on mental, physical and social aspects which is then followed

after regularly. Túfan is located in a beautiful building on three floors owned by the city of Reykjavík

who has rented the building for use as a halfway house for women since 1988 and has up to 40

women stayed at the halfway house every year since that time.

Participant that support this charity

Fun Run

Erla Björg Sigurðardóttir

Has collected 32,000 kr. for
Lítil Þúfa fta
32% of goal
Fun Run

Kristín Svafarsdóttir

Has collected 3,000 kr. for
Lítil Þúfa fta
3% of goal

New pledges

Pledge history

Eygerður Margrétardóttir
Amount5,000 kr.
No message
Svanhildur Sigurðardóttir
Amount5,000 kr.
Áfram Þúfan
Lilja Sigurðardóttir
Amount5,000 kr.
No message
Amount3,000 kr.
No message
Hjördís Reykdal Jónsdóttir
Amount2,000 kr.
Áfram Erla ❣️❣️
Arna Björk Þorsteinsdóttir
Amount5,000 kr.
Frábært Erla !
Amount10,000 kr.
Gangi ykkur vel


  • Íslandsbanki
  • Corsa
  • Suzuki
  • 66 Norður
  • Gatorade