Cardio-Facio-Cutaneous (CFC) syndrome in Iceland

Total collected

66,000 kr.

Pledge count


CFC syndrome is a rare genetic condition, it´s actually so rare that there have only around 800 people in the world been history. There are only three people in Iceland that have been diagnosed with CFC. Breki was born in 2004 and was the first one diagnosed with the CFC syndrome in Iceland. By supporting this charity, it will enable the beneficiaries to fund research into this condition allowing us to better understand it and hopefully provide the means to develop medicine to cure those individuals that are affected by it.

Participant that support this charity

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Pledge history

Margrét og Magdalena
Amount5,000 kr.
Gangi þér vel!
Helga frænka
Amount5,000 kr.
Soffa mömmuvinkona
Amount2,000 kr.
No message
Sólveig Birna
Amount5,000 kr.
Áfram Breki besti!
Soffía Jóna
Amount5,000 kr.
Áfram Breki
Amount5,000 kr.
Breki þú ert kóngurinn
Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir
Amount5,000 kr.
Dugleg að hlaupa fyrir yngsta bróðirinn
J og H
Amount5,000 kr.
No message
J og H
Amount5,000 kr.
No message
J og H
Amount5,000 kr.
No message
Droplaug Ólafsdóttir
Amount1,000 kr.
Áfram Breki
Amount5,000 kr.
Áfram BB king! ❤️
Amount2,000 kr.
No message
Amount2,000 kr.
Áfram Breki!
Hanna Kristin
Amount2,000 kr.
Áfram Breki
Amount2,000 kr.
Áfram Breki!
Sólveig Birna
Amount5,000 kr.
No message


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