
The Icelandic Association of Heart Patients
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The Icelandic Association of Heart Patients Introduction
The Icelandic Association of Heart Patients, Hjartaheill, was formally established 8th October 1983 by 230 founding members. In the first year, the Association started implementing its fundraising policy in order to buy various equipment for the Heart Department of the National Hospital. Presents were also received but the first Association flag sale was organized in 1985 and since then Association flags have been sold every two years. The profits of this have been used among other things, to support the Department of Heart Surgery at the National Hospital, The Rehabilitation Centre for Heart Patients at Reykjalundur, HL (Heart and Lungs) Training Centre in Reykjavík and also to buy a flat for patients from the countryside who seek medical treatment in Reykjavík.
Hjartaheill has, in the 41 years since it was established, given equipment for about 1.200 millions Icelandic krónur.
Hjartaheill is a non-profit organization with the aim of improving the health and well-being of Icelanders through rehabilitation, prevention, positive intervention, education and awareness about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
The Association’s main goals are:
- To unite all members in their endeavour to protect and advance the general interests of all heart patients.
- To improve general health service and social conditions and facilities for heart patients.
- To raise funds for general welfare of heart patients and to fulfil the main objectives of the Association.
- To support research and education in the field of heart diseases.
- To improve facilities and medical equipment in hospitals for research and treatment of heart diseases and to create proper conditions for rehabilitation.
- To provide heart patients with information on their social rights, e.g. taxation, financial support, insurance, pension, medical treatment abroad etc.
HL (Heart and Lungs) Centres – the Rehabilitation of Heart Patients. The board of Hjartaheill decided in the beginning of 1987 to plan the opening of a well-equipped training and rehabilitation centre in Reykjavík. This was done in cooperation with the Icelandic Heart Association and SÍBS (The Icelandic Association of Tuberculosis and Chest Patients). The HL Centre is an independent institution with three main objectives. It provides:
- Facilities for rehabilitation after hospital treatment.
- Facilities for general training.
- General counselling, instruction, and information.
The HL Centre provides training and rehabilitation facilities for four hundred heart patients.
Membership of SÍBS, The Icelandic Association of Tuberculosis and Chest Patients. Hjartaheill became a full member of SÍBS in 1992 and at the same time also of The Organization of Disabled in Iceland.
General Congress Every Other Year. Hjartaheill organizes a general congress every other year where the main objectives and policies of the Association are discussed, and resolutions made. The present Chairman of Hjartaheill is Mr Sveinn Guðmundsson.
Local Branches. As a result of structural changes of Hjartaheill made at its annual meeting in 1990, 10 local branches were founded. The eleventh branch, the support group for children with heart diseases, formally became member of Hjartaheill in 1996. Members of Hjartaheill today are around 4040.
‘Welfare’ The Hjartaheill journal is called ‘Welfare’ and is published 2 times a year. It is mailed free of charge to all members of Hjartaheill, also to all hospitals and health centres in the country.