
Samtokin '78 - National Queer Organization
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Samtökin '78 - the National LGBTIQ+ Organization of Iceland is an interest and advocacy organization of queer people in Iceland. The organization is an advocate for queer people in Iceland, gives queer people a stronger voice in the social debate and fights for legislation that improves the rights of queer people. The registered office is at Suðurgata 3, 101, Reykjavík. The office is located there and a number of meetings and events are held there every week. There is also individual counseling for queer people and their family and friends, as well as support groups that meet several times a month. Samtökin '78 also carries out extensive educational activities where schools, institutions and companies are visited and information is given on queer issues. The '78 organization is thus a shelter for queer people, they provide them with advocacy, advice,