Amnesty International Iceland

Total collected

51,000 kr.

Pledge count


After more than 50 years of groundbreaking achievements, Amnesty has been through a major transformation, adapting to dramatic changes in the world.

We have shifted from a large London base, to open regional offices in cities in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. These offices are major hubs for our investigations, campaigns and communications. The new regional offices strengthen the work of Sections who already work at the national level in more than 70 countries. We can now respond quickly to events wherever they happen, and be a powerful force for freedom and justice.

To stay one step ahead, we are also developing tools using the latest technologies. Such as a mobile phone app that acts as a personal ‘panic button’ for activists at daily risk of being arrested or detained.

Imagine what we can now achieve standing side by side with activists in every corner of the globe. How many more prison doors will open? How many more torturers will be brought to justice? How many more people will realize their rights and live in dignity?

Participant that support this charity

10 K

Kristín Björg Sverrisdóttir

Has collected 2,000 kr. for
Amnesty International Iceland
100% of goal
10 K

Þórunn Pálína Jónsdóttir

Has collected 49,000 kr. for
Amnesty International Iceland
327% of goal

New pledges

Pledge history

Bryndis Palmarsdottir
Amount5,000 kr.
No message
Amount3,000 kr.
Áfram Tóta, gangi þér vel ! 🫶
Aurora Friðrksdottir
Amount10,000 kr.
Gangi þér vel
Þórhildur Júlíusdóttir
Amount3,000 kr.
Þú massar þetta!!!
Eva H. Önnudóttir
Amount4,000 kr.
You go girl!
Lára Kristín Traustadóttir
Amount2,000 kr.
Gangi þér vel og góða skemmtun!
Sigrún Jóhannesdóttir
Amount2,000 kr.
No message
Rúna Friðriksdóttir
Amount3,000 kr.
Svo vel gert ! Áfram Tóta
Ingibjörg Sveinsdóttir
Amount2,000 kr.
Ótrúlega flott hjá þér!
Jóhanna Svala
Amount5,000 kr.
You go giiiiirl!!!
Anna Sigga
Amount2,000 kr.
Let’s gooooo! 🌟❤️
Sigurborg Oddsdóttir
Amount4,000 kr.
No message
Hanna Vala
Amount3,000 kr.
Áfram Tóts 💪🏼💪🏼
Þórður Ægir Óskarsson
Amount3,000 kr.
No message


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