
Sigurboginn, styrktarfélag Sigurbjörns Boga
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Sigurbjörn Bogi is twelve years old boy. He was born with hydrocephalus. Sigurbjörn Bogi has muliple handicap. He is blind and has CP. He also has epilepsy. Sigurbjörn Bogi can not communicate verbally. Sigurbjörn Bogi use weelchair and needs lot of special equipment. Sigurbjörn Bogi is a lovely and charming boy, happy and enjoy playing with his friends in his school and loves to be outdoors.
Sigurbjörn Bogi's family and friends founded this sponsorship association in support of him and his family. The purpose is to help the family with Sigurbjörn Bogi's special needs and to buy special equipment that is not funded by the government. He acquired e.g. wheelchair bicycle which was f. ex. purchased for donations through The bike completely changed his possibilities for outdoor activities.