The 2024 charity collection starts in March. Those that have previously taken part will be notified and are required to update their information each year.
New charities must contact [email protected] and include Name of charity, Icelandic Social Security number (Kennitala) and bank information before August 2nd, 2024. Donations will be collected until end of day Monday, August 26th, 2024.
The charity event is available to NGOs and other non-profit organizations according to the registration at Skatturinn, Iceland Revenue and Customs. If your NGO or non-profit does not have an Icelandic kennitala then you must contact Iceland Revenue and Customs.
Charity Rules
- All charities must have a kennitala and bank account that aligns with the requirements from Skatturinn.
- All information about the charity shall be in both Icelandic and English on hlaupastyrkur.is
- Any improper conduct, indifference to the law or disregard for human rights and security may result in deregistration or refusal to join the charity collection and expulsion from the race.
- Charities are not allowed to give any food or drinks to the participants during the run.
- Charities should take part during the event and cheer those that are running during this charity event.
- Charities are obligated to attend meetings set by Reykjavik Sport Events (ÍBR) and to share information with all parites involved.
- It is forbidden to sign up using a different kennitala from another company, individuals, or non-profit organizations.
- Each charity is responsible for their own advertisements and visibility. However, Reykjavik Sport Events (ÍBR) will send out a branding package that will benefit each charity.
- Reykjavik Sport Events (ÍBR) reserves the right to refuse a charity to take part if they see fit.
- Each charity must be a member of the Facebook group and respond to questions that concern them.