End of charity collections 2024

18. October 2024

After donation collection at hlaupastyrkur.is around the Islandsbanki Reykjavik Marathon ended, Islandsbanki, the main sponsor of the race, hosted an event to celebrate in their headquarters. Representatives from charities, runners, organisers of the race and supporters came together.

This year the total amount collected was 255.351.614 ISK split between 169 different charities. This means that the total amount collected for charities since the race became a charity race is around 1855 million Icelandic Króna.

Those runners who collected the most for their charity got specially honoured at the event. A few charities where awarded a price money for their presence on the course during the race.

Haraldur Ingi Þorleifsson collected the most of the individuals on hlaupastyrkur.is, 2.081.500 ISK for the charity, Solaris. The running group that collected the most money was "In remembrance of Leó Ásgeirsson", 4.392.277 ISK for Krýsuvíkursamtökin and the charity that collected the most was Ljósið - Endurhæfingar- og stuðningsmiðstöð fyrir krabbameinsgreinda that collected 22.833.176 ISK

All donations collected will go straight to the charities because Islandsbanki bank pays for all the cost of the donation collection.


  • Íslandsbanki
  • Corsa
  • Suzuki
  • 66 Norður
  • Gatorade