Fun Run

Susanne Miriam Arthur

Supporting Icelandic Childhood Cancer Organization and is a member of 501st Legion Icelandic Garrison

Total collected

55,000 kr.


50,100 kr.
Donations are now closed,
thank you for your support!

I am a proud member of the 501st Legion, an international organization, whose members wear exact replicas of the costumes of the "bad" characters of the Star Wars universe. Our goal is to make the young and the old happy and to support various good causes.

This year, the Icelandic Garrison is taking part in the Reykjarvíkur Marathon to raise money to support Styrktarfélag krabbameinssjúkra barna, a foundation for children with cancer. 

Cancer research and support for those whose lives are affected by cancer have been two causes dear to my heart ever since I lost my father to cancer when I was 14 years old. I am proud to be raising money for this amazing cause.

The Garrison will run in memory of Davíð Leo Ólafsson, who died earlier this year. Davíð Leó was a big Star Wars fan, and some members of our Garrison had the honor of carrying him to his final place of rest.

Some of us — including myself — will run the skemmtiskokk in full costume, while others are taking on longer distances "as ourselves," but still with Davíð Leó and the Styrktarfélag in mind. 

Thank you for your support, and may the Force be with you!

Icelandic Childhood Cancer Organization

Styrktarfélag krabbameinssjúkra barna var stofnað 1991 af foreldrum barna með krabbamein en árlega greinast 12-14 börn með krabbamein á Íslandi. Tilgangur félagsins er að styðja krabbameinssjúk börn og aðstandendur og gæta hagsmuna þeirra á öllum sviðum. Það sinnir fræðslu- og útgáfustarfsemi um sérstöðu og þarfir krabbameinsveikra barna og um síðbúnar afleiðingar eftir krabbameinsmeðferð.

New pledges

Pledge history

Þóra og Almar
Amount2,000 kr.
Áfram þú, vel gert 💪💪
Bob & Mary Arthur
Amount13,643 kr.
No message
Amount2,000 kr.
Lord Vader
Amount1,000 kr.
"Through Passion, I gain Strength. Through Strength, I gain Power. Through Power, I gain Victory."
Amount8,292 kr.
No message
Amount1,000 kr.
No message
Guðrún Ingólfsdóttir
Amount2,000 kr.
No message
Amount2,000 kr.
Go Sanna Go!
Candice & Daniel
Amount6,835 kr.
You'll rock the run!
Amount2,000 kr.
Amount846 kr.
Amount5,000 kr.
Run, run...
Amount3,384 kr.
Vala Rut
Amount5,000 kr.


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