Total collected

5,000 kr.


80,000 kr.
Donations are now closed,
thank you for your support!

Sometimes it is difficult for people to actively seek for help when mentally we are not feeling well. Therefore, it is very important that we support organizations that go the extra mile to identify people that need to be hard, and help them to feel again how important they are. 

Píeta samtökin, sjálfsvígs- og sjálfsskaða forvarnir.

Píetasamtökin - forvarnarsamtök gegn sjálfsvígum og sjálfskaða

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Amount2,000 kr.
Hlaupa hlaupa áfram áfram :) Centerhotels fyrir Pieta
Amount3,000 kr.
Áfram Daniel!!!


  • Íslandsbanki
  • Corsa
  • Suzuki
  • 66 Norður
  • Gatorade